Legend in matlab
Legend in matlab

legend in matlab

Please find the below examples that explain the use of legends in Matlab: Example #1 L=legend(off): This is used to delete the legend and its customization from the plot.L=legend(visibility): This is used to set the visibility of the legend which has different values like the show, hide and toggle.L=legend(bkgd): This is used to set the background appearance and its outline.

legend in matlab

There are various properties of the legends which are discussed below. We can give the property name in ‘Name of the property’ argument and the required value after that.

  • L=legend (_,’Name of the property’, ‘value of the property’): This is used when we want to customize the appearance of legends in the plot.
  • The default value of the orientation is vertical.
  • L=legend (_,’orientation of the legend’): This is used to specify the orientation of the legend that should be placed in the plot.
  • This property of the legend should always be given after all the input arguments.
  • L=legend (_,’location of the legend’): This is used to specify the location of the legend that should be placed in the plot.
  • L=legend (target axes, _): This is used to specify the required axes or chart in the target axes argument.
  • We can specify the subset as the values or no arguments in the input.
  • L=legend (subset included): This includes only the values that are present in the subset.
  • Labels can be a string array, character vectors or a character matrix.
  • L=legend (labels of the legend): This is used to mention the labels in the legend.
  • We can mention the label in the form of strings or characters.
  • L=legend (label of the legend 1…label of the legend N): This includes the legend labels in the graph as specified in the labels argument.
  • legend in matlab

    L=legend: This is used to include the legend in the plotted data series.

    Legend in matlab